Repairs and Maintenance in the Energy Sector

Posted in: Latest News

lifting gearWe’ve already looked at how LGH helps the energy industry in our news articles on The nuclear industry , Keeping the lights on and Demolition in the energy and utilities industry .

The most common way that LGH’s lifting gear helps to support the sector is in the construction and demolition of energy facilities. However, another big reason that energy companies work with LGH is because of the enormous amounts of repair and maintenance that this sector requires.

The energy industry requires constant upkeep and maintenance to keep working safely and effectively. These are huge projects with very specific needs and demands:


    • No down time - Customers require energy 24/7 and so there must be no time when energy suppliers are down due to faults or maintenance.


    • Potentially dangerous – Energy companies must be incredibly fastidious with their safety as their plants could potentially be dangerous if not maintained to an exact degree.


  • The ubiquity of energy – Energy is needed everywhere: in our homes, in our workplaces, in hospitals and schools. The constant flow of energy requires an essential and vast network of power cables and power plants all over the UK.

It’s not just power plants that require constant maintenance and repairs – it’s also renewable energy sources and the transfer of this energy that must be maintained.

How is LGH involved in this maintenance?

LGH is proud to be involved in the amazing work that energy companies do every day. We have been involved in some incredible repair and maintenance projects in the UK over the last 40 years. We’ve been:

    • Supplying safety gear to keep energy workers safe.


  • Working with some of the biggest names in the energy industry to supply high quality lifting gear.

A great example of one of our biggest energy repairs was on the Mississippi river where a coal transfer facility caught on fire. Our heavy lifting gear helped to remove the damaged conveyor tube and install a new one.


For more information about repairs and maintenance in the energy industry, please speak to one of our experts .

6 March 2020
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