Tunnel Vision - How LGH are transforming tunnel design

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We live on a rocky, hilly island with 66 million other people. It’s no surprise then that the UK is abundant with tunnels. Every day, we rely on tunnels to take us underground, under rivers and through mountains safely and with minimal impact on the environment. Our road and rail infrastructure is entirely dependent on tunnels to run effectively.

Luckily, the UK has invested in infrastructure to ensure that we currently have one of the best tunnel systems in the world. For engineers, it's a constant challenge to build and upkeep this tunnel system.

Working in tunnel engineering often involves the restoration of existing tunnels. The London Underground system for example is constantly “evolving”, engineers are continuously working to extend and reinforce this busy and popular network. New tunnel projects are always popping up throughout the British Isles and may involve traditional mining techniques, boring machines, shafts and sprayed concrete lining. Engineers may be working in soft ground, clay or rock. Tunnel design is a complex and specialist field that employs some of the best engineers in the country.

How have LGH transformed tunnel design?

LGH heavy lifting equipment is cutting-edge design and has been helping to shape some of the most impressive tunnel projects of the 21st century. Let’s take a look at how LGH equipment has transformed tunnel engineering:

Traditional mining techniques

The oldest method of tunnelling is cut-and-cover. This is a simple method of construction where a trench is excavated and roofed overusing an overhead support system.

LGH’s range of jacking equipment is durable, strong and reliable. We supply both Hi-Force and Straight point equipment such as load cells, cylinders and jacks that have been instrumental in modern tunnel roof support.

Boring Machines

Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) are huge machines that automate the tunnelling process. Though LGH don’t supply TBMs, we can definitely help with the transport and installation of these unwieldy beasts. Our range of hoisting and pulling equipment has made the moving of TBMs a cinch thanks to our easy to operate and reliable equipment.

LGH are proud to be involved in the design and construction of tunnels throughout the UK. For more information please contact our team .

10 September 2019
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